Georgia State University employees must complete the Banner training requirements to obtain a Banner User ID and password. Multimedia Basic Navigation is required for all users before they may attend any other student system training. Please be advised that training is only open to individuals who have requested access to Banner Application Navigator (AppNav).
Space is limited to the first eighteen individuals who register for classroom training. The Enrollment Services Systems Office will keep a wait list after a course is filled. If you register for a class and are unable to attend, PLEASE notify the Enrollment Services Systems Office at your earliest opportunity.
Please note: It will be the department’s responsibility to train their own student assistants.
Multimedia Banner Basic Navigation Training (Required)
Prerequisites: None
Time: 2 hours
Students will learn:
- How to navigate through the system environment using mouse and keyboard
- System basics: naming conventions, definitions of forms and fields, searching
- Online queries:
– how to query to see if a person already exists in the system
– examine personal information such as address and contact information - How to access Help functions
- How to customize the system by setting up your personal menu
Target Audience: All academic, administrative and support staff who will be using AppNav.
There is no deadline to sign up for the multimedia training course. Upon receiving the multimedia training registration form, the Banner training team will send an email to the user on how to access the multimedia training course.
Student System Query (Required)
Prerequisites: Basic Navigation
Time: 3 hours. Student System Query Classroom training is a two-part course. The first part (1 hour) is a general review of Basic Navigation. The second part (2 hour) is the overview of the Student System Query.
Students will learn how to view basic Student System forms for general student academic information.
Target Audience: All academic, administrative and support staff who will be using AppNav to view general student academic information.
Person Search
Prerequisites: Basic Navigation
Time: 1 hour
Students will learn how to:
- Search using wild cards
- Search using partial names and identification numbers
- Data standards for entering information into Banner
Target Audience: All academic, administrative and support staff who will perform create new person records in Banner.
Functional Training
For a list of functional experts within each College, consult the table on the Banner Questions page.